
Jumat, 10 April 2020

Online (HP / Laptop masing-masing)

15.00 - 16.30 WITA

Hello everyone! How are you today?

As DNetwork promised, we will start having online education sessions.

Come, join us at DNetwork WhatsApp Class Session 1 with Tristia from Temali Media!
This time the theme is about how you can find your own uniqueness that you can use to start an independent business.
This WhatsApp class is perfect for those of you who want to get to know themselves and want to start your own business or are starting an entrepreneur

Stay healthy, cheer up and keep your distance!
#dirumahaja #wfh #disability #kelaswa

Acara Online, setiap peserta akan dimasukkan kedalam grup WhatsApp khusus untuk kelas ini. Pada hari-H acara, setiap orang diharapkan online agar bisa mengikuti acara.