
Business Directory

Khalisa Collection is a business of Dewi Nurhadi who is a Deaf. Through the Khalisa Collection she provides fabric masks of various color variants that are suitable for everyday use.


Interested in buying?

Contact Dewi Nurhadi at 082226251782

The artworks were painted by Eric, a Deaf with a passion for painting.

Want to know the paintings that he created?

Visit the IG at @galeridisabilitasrungu or contact(via SMS or WhatsApp at 081286172577

Nun Olshop focus on handicraft made of flannel and patchwork owned by Siti Nurrochmi.

The products includes: bags, masks, wallets, and clothes.


Please visit the IG at @nun_ol_shop or call at 089654586539

A N T O G R A P H Y is a photo and photobook service owned by a talented Deaf, Christanto Harsadi.

Visit his portfolio at his Instagram account @antography2 or contact him at 089635039192

YogiArt is a design and digital printing owned by Yuddit.

YogiArt you can order shirts, hats, key chains, calendars, medal necklaces, and so on.

Candra Shop is located in Sidoarjo and is owned by Christine who is a Deaf person.

Her shops provide various goods such as hijab, gamis (clothing), snacks, and other stuffs.

Please contact her through text or WhatsApp at +62 856-0493-7409